Adnan Hashem Mohamed

Lifelong Learner - Computer Science Student

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Adnan Mohamed

Adnan Mohamed

Computer Science Student @ The American University of Bahrain (AUBH)

I have always been interested in Math, Science, and Education. In high school, I studied Math & Physics. After graduating from high school, my learning journey in Computer Science started by exploring computer networks through home-lab experiments and later taking the CCNA. After learning about networks, I got excited to learn more about how to secure networks. This motivated me to study more about the topic and get some certificates. Afterwards, I started working on a web application for a real estate agency through which I learned how to build an application using ASP.NET CORE along with designing and implementing databases using MSSQL. This project created for me an excellent learning environment and gave me a sense of the complexity of software projects and how multiple topics in computer science can be connected to provide a valuable solution. In the 3rd year of my bachelor’s degree, I joined CERN as an intern and this was one the best experiences I had.


These are my certificates (so far).

Machine Learning Specialization

Through this specialization, I learned about fundamental topics in ML in supervised and unsupervised learning. I learned about the fundamental concepts of gradient descent and logistic regression. We learned how to build and train models to predict addmission results.

Databases: Relational Databases & SQL

This course, offered through and originally part of Stanford's MOOCs, provided me with a foundational understanding of relational databases and relational database management systems (RDBMS). Key topics covered included the essentials of the relational model, fundamental concepts in relational databases, and SQL.

Databases: Modeling and Theory

As part of the Databases series, this course delved into the fundamental principles and design considerations essential to database systems. A significant focus was on Relational Algebra, offering a deeper theoretical understanding of SQL's functionality. The course also extensively covered Relational Design Theory, including dependency theory and normal forms, providing a framework for developing efficient relational database schemas.


Taking this certificate enabled me to advance my knowledge of computer networks and learn how to manage a real network.


After learning about computer networks and learning how to design and implement them through cisco devices, I wanted also to broaden my perspective and gain some experience with other strong vendors such as Juniper Networks.


Learning the basics of networking was not enough for me. So, I wanted to know more about how to secure those networks. I learned about fundamental aspects of network security, security policies, IPsec VPNs and how to implement policies using Juniper devices.

AWS Cloud Practitioner

I enjoyed the fascinating journey in 'networking world'. However, I thought it won't be complete without taking small walk to see AWS 'wonderland' :)

MATLAB Fundamentals

I took this certificate/course to learn how to use MATLAB for Machine Learning. In addition, I learned several fundamental aspects of MATLAB such as using Arrays effectively, Mathematical and Statistical operations with Arrays, Visualizing Data in 2D and 3D etc.

CMI-Level 3

I took this certificate during my senior year in high school. It was an exciting experience learning about leadership with great people at the CPISP program.


These are some of the projects I enjoyed working on and learn through.

Real Estate Web App

I started working on this project to learn how to design and build web applications and to help a real estate business with their daily work. It is developed using ASP.NET core and MSSQL in the backend and HTML, CSS/Bootstrap and JavaScript/jQuery in the front end. This project took my programming skills to the next level and stretched me beyond my limits. Struggling to learn the technical concepts (in programming and databases) and understanding the business operation, enabled me to better appreciate the complexity of software projects.

Networking Projects

I always try learning things by experimenting with the ideas that I read about whenever applicable and indeed it is with computer networks. So besides building simple physical networks at home, I designed and built several networks using cisco packet tracer to enhance my understanding of what I read in the topic of computer networks.

I will add some demos as soon as I get the chance to.

Datastructures and Algorithms

These are my favorite topics in CS!

I first learned about data structures using Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ and implemented many of the data structures (using C++) which you can visit here.

I also implemented several data structures using java which you can see here.

I programmed many kinds of algorithms such as sorting algorithms (Merge sort, Quick sort, Radix sort, ...) Shortest path algorithms (e.g. Dijkstra). You can visit my repo to take a look.

CS61A Projects/Assignments

CS 61A focuses on the concept of abstraction, which allows programmers to think in terms of the problem they're solving rather than getting caught up in the technical details of how computers work. It's all about finding efficient and effective solutions. I've worked on some nice projects through this course which gave me a solid foundation in programming.

I followed the CS61A-Fall19 version which was (and probably still) open to public.


I am interested in working on these projects in my free time and enjoy seeing the outcome after periods of struggle.

To see more of my projects...

Visit My GitHub  


Here is my work experience

Townhouses and Skyscrapers

Jun-Aug 2023

Summer Internship, CERN

In the summer of 2023, I joined CERN as an intern in the summer student program. I worked with the MTD-DAQ team for the CMS experiment. My project there contributes to the software for the Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) of the MIP Timing Detector (MTD). For more information, check out this short report.

Townhouses and Skyscrapers


Math Tutor, American University of Bahrain

During Fall 22 and Spring 23, I was working (along my studies) as a math tutor for the Math Center at AUBH. I enjoyed helping my fellow students through one-to-one tutoring sessions on math courses such as Calculus 1, 2 and Discrete Math.

Townhouses and Skyscrapers


Teaching Assistant, AUBH

During Fall 22, I worked as a TA for Digital Systems Lab course where I helped with grading assignments and providing feedback to students along with leading lab sessions.

Townhouses and Skyscrapers


Software Development Intern, VirtuThinko

I worked closely with the company's management to understand the requirements of the voting application. I designed, documented and implemented a prototype of the voting application using Asp.Net Core, MSSQL in the Back-end and Bootstrap in front-end.

Townhouses and Skyscrapers


Desktop Support, Kent State University

I helped end-users (staff members) by resolving issues they have with office 365 applications and other software products. I also helped the team in making a successful transition to remote work and continued resolving tickets through online support while using the ticketing system to collaborate with the team and document the results.


Below are some of my skills, and I'm always excited to learn more!

Front-end Development
Back-end Development
Programming Languages
Computer Networks
Machine Learning
Operating Systems
Dev. Tools


Those are some of my best memories.


This was a 2-week program where I've been selected (by my university) to be part of this program. We worked in teams to design, build and program a robotic arm to move lego pieces. Our team won 1st place in the final demo/competition.


This is one of my favorite experiences where I've been among the final 60 candidates in the most well known scholarship program in Bahrain. Although I did not win the scholarship, I've known brilliant people and learned priceless lessons during the summer time there.

Innov8 Hackathon - 2nd place

I participated in this hackathon with a fellow student from my university where we got 2nd place for our proposed solution.

Football Medals

I've played for several seasons with Al-Shabab club as a football player. I achieved several medals with the team and it's been a great experience!